Inspiration porn– a depiction of disability catered to able bodied persons focusing on a person with a disability usually following the tragedy- struggle- overcome storyline. Their reaction usually is “if they can do it with their disadvantages why can’t I get my shit together”.
Most people, adults included; are children when it comes to the conception of disability. You shouldn’t show porn to children. Additionally, you can’t let porn be the only means for people to get information about disability. Children will believe that what they were shown is how and what to think, especially if they have little or no experience with it themselves. The world is full of shaved chests and nether regions, giant cocks, bleached assholes and screaming orgasms.
Some people may say “that’s their prerogative” but without a fair and balanced view, we encourage societal ills much more dangerous than strange emotionless sex. We dehumanize a whole class of people. To have worth as a disabled person, you must either become not disabled or fit in. To be disabled becomes a tragedy and the thought of it occurring to you, terrifying. How can we allow this in the same world as advanced directives?
As the intended target of most lesbian porn isn’t lesbians, inspiration porn doesn’t arouse most persons with a disability. I’ve been given many links to stories, books, movies etc. by many well meaning people who thought I’d enjoy it. None of it was satisfying in the least. Persons with disabilities don’t need inspiration. They need physical, cultural and policy related barriers removed so they can fully participate in society. Only then, the qualifier “with a disability” will no longer be welded to their personhood.
From time to time, people have told me that I was inspirational and they would buy a book about my life or that I should become an inspirational speaker (the equivalent of “you have what it takes to go into porn” or become a Chippendales dancer). It may be that they are porn addicts and that all it takes is a wheelchair to get them excited, or maybe they glimpsed the outline of my story (package) and were impressed. I always say I’m flattered but no thanks.
Not to sure about this one, Joe.
Love, mom