Part 3
Monday April 27th I went to work.
- 2:30 my google news feed showed a large group of high school kids had gathered at a mall north west of the city center. They were pelting the group of police officers with rocks and bricks. A few were taken away with injuries. I admired their restraint.
- 3:45 the order to disperse was given. Again the police did nothing to contain them. Instead of 15 “rioters”, now there were around 200. They moved down the street like a low slung tornado tracking on a course towards the baseball stadium and my apartment.
- 4:15 the storm had moved through north avenue and now the looting was touched off
- 5:00 the Rite Aide on north avenue was an empty bonfire.
Now it is scary out of control! It has been said before- “Why can’t people just get along?”